Tutbury Band Code of Conduct

Please note the signed Code of Conduct can be found by clicking the link below. It is reproduced below that in full.

As a band, we respect and promote freedom of expression and open communication. The band recognise the rights of all band members to be treated as individuals and will not condone or allow any form of unlawful discrimination to go unchallenged. The band will not tolerate discriminatory behaviour, harassment or victimization of any kind. To ensure this, we expect all members to follow our Code of Conduct in order to foster a well-organized, respectful and collaborative environment where every individual has the opportunity to enjoy playing in a wind band. As individuals of the band we agree to the following:

Member Commitment

  • I acknowledge that being a member of the band involves the commitment of significant amounts of time and energy.
  • I will involve myself actively in the work of the band and accept my fair share of responsibilities, providing I am physically able. This includes, but is not limited to: Punctual attendance at rehearsals and performances, attendance at the AGM, private practice, helping to set up/down equipment etc.
  • If I am unable to attend or expect to be late, I will report to the relevant person as soon as possible. In the event of short notice, or last-minute unavailability, I will make every effort to inform the MD or relevant band officer in person or by telephone/text as soon as possible.
  • If arriving late I will not disturb the band in the middle of a piece but wait to take my seat until the piece has ended to avoid disruption of the rehearsal.
  • I will arrive back punctually after breaks at concerts and be set up ready to play for the next part of the concert.
  • When representing the band in a personal capacity, I will acknowledge my underlying responsibility as a member and maintain the band’s professionalism and integrity at all times.
  • I will strive to work as a team, in which constructive working relationships are actively promoted. I will act kindly and without prejudice towards other band members and the general public.
  • I will support the chair, the Safeguarding Officer and Safeguarding Team in their roles and responsibilities of furthering the future success and sustainability of the band.
  • I am prepared to support the Safeguarding Officer and Team members in relation to delegated functions where possible.
  • I will be mindful of my responsibility to uphold the ethos and reputation of the band.

Members Conduct

  • All Band members have a responsibility for safeguarding, and as such have a duty of care for each other.
  • Inappropriate behaviour and language will not be accepted. This includes at rehearsals, as well as engagements (see below for what constitutes acceptable behaviour and what will be deemed inappropriate).
  • Members will adhere to the band’s policy around safeguarding.
  • In the event that a player has cause for concern regarding the conduct or welfare of another member, this should be raised to the safeguarding officer in a timely manner.
  • Members are expected to use rehearsal copies of music for their own practice and not to photocopy or print this for non-band members or for non-band usage.
  • Members are expected to assist with the setting up and packing away of chairs, gazebos and equipment at rehearsals and engagements.
  • Band members should arrive at engagement venues by the time stated wearing the specified uniform.
  • Treat other band members, including children and young people, with respect and dignity.
  • Encourage and support children and young people in the band but avoid having (or being perceived to have) ‘favourites’.
  • In general, avoid being alone with children and young people under 18 who are band members, unless you are their parent or guardian.
  • If it is necessary to be alone with a child or young person then make sure another adult knows where you are and approximately how long you will be. Invite the child or young adult to bring a friend. Leave the door open of the room you are in. Move into the centre of the room so you are in plain view.
  • Avoid physical contact with children and young people in the band unless it is necessary if the person in question is about to be injured. If physical contact cannot be avoided, seek permission of the child or young person wherever possible and ensure they are comfortable with what you are going to do.
  • If a child or young person talks to you about something confidential, ensure that they understand that you will not share the information without their consent except in specific circumstances relating to child protection or safeguarding.
  • If you are told or see something regarding a child or young person that causes you to have a safeguarding concern, follow the band safeguarding procedures and contact the Safeguarding Officer as soon as possible.
  • Outside band activities, try to avoid contacting children or young people who are band members unless this is via their parents and part of a family friendship.
  • Be aware that children and young people in the band will look up to you; it is important that you model responsible and considerate behaviours associated with appropriate
  • professional/personal boundaries.
  • Do not give your personal telephone number or email address to children or young people in the band.
  • Do not develop individual friendships with children and young people in the band except as part of a family friendship.
  • Be mindful of your use of language during band activities, especially when children are present.

Inappropriate & Prohibited Behaviours

  • Hitting or striking another band member, whether this is a child or adult.
  • Verbally abusing (including shouting or swearing at) another band member.
  • Deliberately humiliating or undermining another band member.
  • Inappropriate intimate touching, sexual conversations – or use of sexual innuendo – with a child or young person, or in the presence of a child or young person.
  • Developing, or implying, sexual relationships with children and young people in the band.
  • Encouraging, or knowingly being involved in, another band member committing a crime.
  • Taking illegal substances before or during band activities
  • Being intoxicated at a band event.
  • Using digital technology to groom a child or adult or to abuse them in any way.

Property Care

  • Members are expected to arrive at concerts in clean and tidy band uniform and as per
    the uniform guide below.
  • Members who are issued with band instruments, will be required to sign the appropriate
    property register on issue of the property. The register will also be signed off when the
    item is returned to the band.
  • Members are expected to maintain any property issued to them, keeping it clean and in
    good working order. Any damage or concerns about instruments or other equipment
    should be reported to the relevant officer as soon as possible. Equipment should also be
    stored securely when not in use.
  • Members will return to the band any property issued to them, when requested to by the
    band or when leaving the band.
  • Playing members are expected to keep music parts in good order and music to be sorted
    in accordance with the set list into the relevant folders prior to rehearsals.
  • Members will respect all kinds of incorporeal property (such as trademarks and

Personal Appearance

  • Members will follow the band’s dress code and personal appearance guidelines when performing.
  • Formal Uniform: White shirt with collar, Band Tie (optional), Black or Navy trousers /black or navy skirt (not jeans or leggings), black socks / black or nude tights, black shoes, Tutbury Band jumpers or fleeces if needed for warmth.
  • Informal Uniform: Band polo shirt, Black or navy trousers / black or navy skirt (not jeans or leggings), black socks / black or nude tights, black shoes, Tutbury Band hoodies or fleeces if needed for warmth.
  • Well-groomed hair, positive attitude and a smile helps


  • Members will observe complete confidentiality when matters are deemed confidential, or where they concern specific band members, at all times.


  • Members will observe complete confidentiality when matters are deemed confidential, or where they concern specific band members, at all times.

Transporting young people and adults at risk to rehearsals and concerts

  • It is common practice for members of bands to share lifts to rehearsals and concerts. When this involves a young player or players with care and support needs, the following
    best practice guidelines are advised:
    – Transport is the responsibility of the parent or guardian, unless group transport has been arranged by the band.
    – If a young player, or player with care and support needs, needs help with transport, this should be arranged directly between the parent/guardian/player and band member
    offering the lift and not through a third party or the Safeguarding Team. This is a personal arrangement, and the band does not hold any responsibility for this arrangement.
    – Where possible, avoid travelling with the young person alone.
    – Agree pick up and drop off arrangements with parents.
    – Ask the young person to sit in the rear of the car, particularly if you are alone.
    – Have a contact number for the parent.
    – Drive within the law


This Code of Conduct will be reviewed annually prior to the AGM.

Code of Conduct Adopted/Reviewed Date: August 2023

Signed by Chairman: K. Orton See above for signed copy.