If you are visiting this page for the first time, you will find here, information about how the band runs its rehearsals and concerts and its culture.
We are a friendly band and are proud of the reputation we have for enjoying our music, playing together and providing value for money for the people who request our services as a band. We have fun playing and are supportive of each other in the way that we play. There is a wide range of ability in playing in the band and everyone is encouraged to play to the best of their ability. You will have read through our safeguarding policy and code of conduct which set out necessary processes so you are aware of the formal background to our playing. You will find that using these policies as a platform enables us to really enjoy the music in a friendly atmosphere. So come and play to enjoy. The music is varied in that some is more difficult and some less so. Some is really popular with the band and some less so………..ask Chris Perfitt about The Party Mix!

For completeness of information, we rehearse in the Community Hall on Monk St. in Tutbury. The building is opposite a Dentist and next door to a Doctor’s Surgery so if we have any health issues when rehearsing we ought to be OK. The trouble with that is that on a Saturday morning 10.00 to 12.00 when we play both are closed! We aim to be set up and ready to play at 10.00, but are relaxed if traffic and travel delays anyone. It happens. The picture here shows the set up ready for rehearsal.
When coming to rehearsal, it would be a good idea to bring your own mug. We have a tea/coffee break at 11.00ish. If you leave your mug at the kitchen hatch, hey presto! Your desired drink will be ready at the break. Thanks to John who makes drinks for us and is very much appreciated for doing so.
It would be very helpful for our conductors. Kevin and Chris, if we were to all be observant and cease chatter when the baton is raised.